
Archive for the ‘Dharma Education’ Category

Bringing Mindfulness to High-velocity Expedia

17th Karmapa Reaches out to Youth
In Historic 2015 Seattle Visit

UW Study: Kids of Mindful Parents Share More

Rev. Taitetsu Unno, a U.S. Pure Land Leader,
Honored at Seattle Memorial Service

Deeply Experiencing Sangha in a Magnificent Place

A Glimpse into How the Buddha Lived and Practiced
On Pilgrimage in his Footsteps in Ancient India

Chamtrul Rinpoche Teaches Classic Tibetan Text

Shodo Harada Roshi Dharma Activities Expanding,
Following opening of Water Moon Dojo in Seattle

Teacher and Translator Ven. Losang Tsering Dies

Two Portland-area Buddhist Leaders Died this Fall

Seattle U Invites Buddhists to Interfaith Council

Tibetan Nuns in India, with Northwest Support,
Close to Winning Highest Buddhist Degrees