
Archive for the ‘Compassionate Action’ Category

New Mindful Body Awareness Technique
Helps Treat Substance Addiction, Says UW Study

Buddhist Recovery Summit Returns to Northwest

How to Take In the World’s News – Mindfully

How Two Black Women Utilize Buddha Dharma

Northwest Buddhists Attend Ancient Ceremony at California Nun’s Training Monastery Aloka Vihara

Offering Buddhist Hospice Support for Animals

Generous Donors Support People Needing Food
During August 18 Walk Through Portland

Vietnamese Monk, Poet, Dies after Long Illness

Thai Monks From Around the United States
Gather for the First Time in Washington State

With Buddhist Roots, Recovery Cafes Spread Across Northwest, Helping People with Addiction

Bhikkhu Bodhi Walks to Feed the Hungry
Set in Seattle and Portland in Coming Months

Seattle Animal Welfare Advocate Returns to India
For Seventh Time for Animal Welfare Work