What's Happening
A friend in Oregon sent the Association this message: “My wife imported and collected art from Southeast Asia for many years. Two of her most treasured pieces were statues of Buddhist monks. The pieces are old. They originated in Myanmar and she bought them in Thailand in the early 90s. One of them is probably marble I believe. Two of them, a matched pair are lacquered wood. She died in October 2023 and I would like to return the pieces to an appropriate setting in the Burmese community. Do you know of any monasteries or centers who would be interested…
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Instructions for group members.
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Northwest Dharma Association 2023 Finanical Statement REVENUE Donations $ 7,106 Interest income 22 Total revenue $ 7,128 EXPENSES NW Dharma News $ 2,000 Website 1,702 Bank & card fees 1,704 Communications …
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Dear friends and family of Karuna Rose (also known as Roslyn “Roz” Weiner), We wanted to share that our dear Karuna passed away, at age 72, on Wednesday January 31, 2024. Many in the Seattle area will remember Karuna’s work in bringing together Asian and Western Buddhists by sponsoring “temple tours” to learn about the diversity of…
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Regional Buddhist Teachers and Leaders Gathering April 20, 2024 10am to 4pm Sponsored by the Northwest Dharma Association Hosted by Kagyu Changchub Chuling 4936 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, Oregon 97218 Buddhist teachers, monastics, and group leaders from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and British Columbia have been gathering for more than 15 years at Northwest Dharma Association’s regional meetings. These gatherings…
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Screen available to Buddhist temple. Six feet tall, seven feet long, depending on how it’s folded. When folded up it compresses to 15 inches by 6 feet. It’s very light — 2-3 pounds — made with balsa frame with images printed right onto canvas material. If interested contact Ruby Phillips by email.
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The mission of the Northwest Dharma Association is to support Buddhist teachings and community in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. NWDA publishes the Northwest Dharma News twice a year, and the Sangha Update twice a month. We maintain a website with an online directory of more than 200 Buddhist groups and an online calendar of their activities. In…
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Since completing a three-year retreat, Diane Rigdzin Berger has been teaching in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in the Seattle area for the last five years. Her memoir about the retreat, Small Boat, Vast Ocean, was published in March 2023. About Diane Rigdzin Berger. Excerpts from the book. Purchase the book. Author interview on YouTube. Book Review: This is…
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This is not a list of scheduled Buddhist retreat events. For that, go to our events calendar. This is a list of retreat centers that can be rented by Buddhist groups. If you discover a center that’s not on this list, please email us to let us know so we can add it. = = = = = = =…
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My mind was filled with my stories of how it should be: he should do that, not this. I should think and feel that, not this. But that’s not the world. Maybe an ideal world would be like that. But I’m living in this world, and I’m learning that peace in this world comes from laying down the arms I have taken up against the way things are.
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Like many non-profit organizations, Northwest Dharma Association saw a fall in donations in 2020 — and we also had some extra expenses for website upgrades and other maintenance. But in 2021 NWDA returned to better financial footing. In most years, NWDA spends as much as it brings in, and we are left with very little in reserve. At the end…
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Saturday April 9 from 11am to 4pm Pacific time. Sponsored by the Northwest Dharma Association.
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Remembering Bill Hirsch, the long-time member of many Northwest Buddhist communities.
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“Buddhist Women Beyond Boundaries: Interfaith, Interdependence, Environment”
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Various traditions developed as Buddhism spread across Asia, including: The Way of the Elders (Theravada) in India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Laos, Thailand. The Great Vehicle (Mahayana) in China, Japan, Vietnam, Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. The Great Vehicle includes Zen, Pure Land, Vajrayana, and other schools. A range of holidays developed as Buddhism adapted to existing religions (Confucian, Taoist, shamanic, etc)…
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This bibliography of Buddhist books by Northwest authors is a work in progress. If you know of other books that should be on this list, please let us know.
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = > > > LEARN MORE HERE = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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For Black, Indigenous & People of Color to Grow Together Cultivating Inner Strength: An Insight Dialogue Program For People of Color with Tuere Sala January 24 – February 28 Sundays & Tuesdays 6-week course for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) at all levels of experience with Insight Dialogue (relational Dharma rooted in Vipassana tradition) New BIPOC Zen Group Based in Seattle Sundays, 9 – 10 am PT Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Temple offers a weekly BIPOC sitting group (limited to BIPOC individuals). The group is led by Rev. Seifu (Anil) Singh-Molares, a priest-in-training (Unsui) at Chobo-Ji….
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Chapter 27 from a memoir by Janet Thomas
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By Jill Boone New Years Online Retreat December 29, 2020 – January 2, 2021 More information at the Aloka Vihara website. I was skeptical at first – doing a meditation retreat at home instead of within the embrace of a retreat center seemed counter-intuitive to a mind that loves distraction. But I decided to give it a try in June. …
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Mountain Way Zen Mountain Way Zen is a universal, egalitarian practice of Zen for wayfarers from various faiths and walks of life whose spiritual explorations have led them to the practices and teachings of Zen Buddhism. We feel an abiding respect for – and connection to – our fellow beings and the rest of the natural world, so much of…
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Originally published on November 26, 2020 at Eshu Martin’s Facebook page: You can learn more at the Zenwest Buddhist Society website. Community is hard, frustrating, and never done. I’ve been a part of a few significant communities in my life, and this is what I’ve come to understand. Everyone likes and wants to be a part of a…
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Breathing with the Disagreeable Written by: Geneviève Hicks The Deep Time Liberation Retreat, for descendants of the African diaspora, was cancelled due to the pandemic. Ancestral healing would have to wait. Visiting slave plantations with the support of Black practitioners and teachers was not going to happen. Now I had two weeks of unplanned time off from the hospital. I was sad…
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A Buddhist Approach to Covid from Dharma Voices for Animals by Sharon Warner Methvin Dharma Voices for Animals, Portland Chapter Covid-19 and my experiences in the Wet Markets of China, as a Buddhist, academic and a vegan…. Each of us individually and collectively has a choice—a choice to lean into the suffering that is everywhere or to distance ourselves with…
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= = = = = = = Shrine/altar for sale. Free to a good home 34.5″ across x 17 1/4″ deep x 27″ high I recently spent $28.00 on new gold Charmeuse satin to cover it with. It comes with a protective glass top. The back is hollow and a great place to store your zafu’s, gomdens, zabutons. Items on shrine not included. 18th/Pine St area in Seattle. Contact Katia Roberts = = = = = = =
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There are many voices in the world calling for help. It can be hard to know what to do. Yet in this Pandemic, so many, like the horse therapist, are finding ways, great and small, to help others. Gradually, we may discover that, together, we ARE the countless arms of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, seven billion strong, reaching out to connect, to care, to lend a hand, or to offer something useful such as a handy tool, some garden-fresh tomatoes, or a Covid test.
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The Shambhala Meditation Center of Seattle is looking for a Communications and Marketing Coordinator to join a dedicated team of staff and volunteers supporting our organization, our programming, and our community. This person would be responsible for creating and implementing marketing strategies and supporting leadership in fundraising and membership campaigns. The ideal candidate is organized, collaborative, has marketing experience, especially in inclusive and culturally appropriate outreach to diverse communities, and has an interest in meditation and what our center has to offer.
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Several Buddhist groups are organizing a charity relief program to help deliver medical supplies to where they are needed. You can help by donating and by coordinating supplies. Visit DharmaRelief.org
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Responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are shifting rapidly. Many centers have suspended public events and are streaming programs via Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and other video platforms. The following are a few announcements made in recent days. Check with your local center to confirm whether events are being held.
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Practical tips on leading meditation and discussion using video conferencing.
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Before the pandemic, you would have had to attend the temple in person to take part in this practice. Via Zoom, it is actually a better view of the proceedings. The Goma Fire Ritual uses a special area inside the temple to burn the Goma-gi in front of the Buddha. The fire symbolizes the wisdom of the Buddha and the…
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Kaza, author of Green Buddhism, draws on Buddhist ethics to address the world-altering challenges before us as we face our grief, anxiety, and concern for the future of life on Earth.
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The space will favor no religious or spiritual tradition, and will attempt to create a supportive inner environment for people from any traditional religious tradition as well as for people following more individual spiritual approaches or even none at all.
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Mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion that help you find deeper peace, calm fear and anxiety, boost immunity, build resilience and cope better with stress and uncertainty.
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Read the article in the Northwest Dharma News. Visit the Seattle Asian Art Museum website here.
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Hello Seattleites, Below are some opportunities for learning & community-building in Seattle in the next couple of months that might be of interest to you. These events are either focused on addressing race equity & dismantling white supremacy, or/and building resilience among BIPOC folks, or/and led by BIPOC Dharma teachers whose wise perspective is a blessing to all of us….or all of the above. May we all grow in many aspects of wisdom and love in this critical time. Ruby Philips First, an invitation to a historic event this Saturday night: Saturday, January 25 7 pm Elliott Bay Books, 1521 10thAvenue (Capitol…
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Events are at Sakya Monastery except for the February 6 book launch.
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Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA) is a nonprofit organization committed both to practicing the teachings of the Buddha and to speaking out when the actions of those in Dharma communities and the policies of Dharma centers lead to animal suffering. We want to be the voice of the animals who cannot speak our language. With the help of members and…
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Prisoners are not allowed to access the internet. Buddhist groups are invited to contribute to a printed resource for the use of inmates during and after their incarceration.
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with Joe Pearl Wednesdays from January 8 until February 26 from 1pm to 3pm Lifetime Learning Center, 3998-3828 NE 123rd St, Seattle, WA 98125 What is the nature of spiritual development? What is the nature of psychological development? How are they related? This class will examine those questions, with special emphasis on the Eastern psychology/philosophy of Buddhism and the Western…
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This is an invitation to share your favorite photos of Northwest Buddhist temples and events.
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Join the authors of Transcending: Trans Buddhist Voices (North Atlantic Press) for a first Seattle reading and discussion of this groundbreaking collection, which shares many voices and experiences of trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary Buddhists. Author/presenters include Aeva Black, Bk (Brian Kimmel), Michaela McCormick, Sasha Strong, & others to be announced.
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Shambhala Meditation Center of Portland is hiring an Office Manager JOB DESCRIPTION Non-Exempt Hourly Position One year appointment, may be renewable HOURS: 16-18 hrs/wk: regular office hours will be set according to Office Manager preference with agreement from Co-Directors with option of majority flexible hours and working from home; Additional hours may be required to support special events, such as Shambhala…
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The Idaho-Oregon Buddhist Temple is involved in their community.
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Introductory Talk in Lacey WA on February 13. Consultations by appointment in Olympia on February 14-16.
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Authentic Tibetan clothing, prayer flags, handicrafts, jewelry, art, and more Saturday, December 1, 2019 11:00 am – 4:00 pm at Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. Come see the cultural hall and library transformed into a marketplace of Tibetan vendors. Items offered for sale include: blankets, jewelry, statues, prayer flags, incense, clothing, art prints, books, CDs, and Himalayan art calendars. Many…
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Gathering Roots Retreat & Wellness Center is working to raise $1.5 million by early 2020 to purchase the beautiful lodge and land for our center on Whidbey Island.
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Wise Caregiving is a non-profit dedicated to helping people become compassionate caregivers.
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Exciting events at Sakya Monastery of interest to the general community in November. Sand Mandala Creation Venerable Lama Migmar, Sakya Monastery’s resident artist, will show how this amazing process is done, talk about what Sand Mandalas represent, and how they are used as a meditational aid. Dates: Monday through Friday, November 4th through 8th, from 1:00-2:00 pm. Free, donations accepted…
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The Saturday University series on the Silk Road in Asia continues with a lecture by Hsueh-Man Shen on Buddhist Art and Artifacts in Medieval China.
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An event focused on how we might bring compassion and mindfulness more effectively into our organizations and communities. The gathering will feature leaders from various sectors, including corporations, non-profits, government, education, and communities of faith.
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With great sadness we are writing to inform the Dharma community of the great loss of David Forsythe, who passed away from leukemia on September 17th. David served NWDA in many ways: as board president when the future of our organization was in crisis, as long-time administrator extraordinaire, and as a personal and financial supporter of our activities. He will…
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A talk on October 3 at 7 PM in Bannon Auditorium on the campus of Seattle University. Presenting will be Lopen Gem Dorji (Gembo), current advisor and former Secretary General of the Central Monk Body in Thimphu, Bhutan. Happiness & Spirituality: How the Concept of Gross National Happiness Intertwines with Vajrayana Buddhism The concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) has been…
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A Multi-media Exploration of Race and Racism through a Buddhist Lens with Dr. Jan Willis, black Buddhist teacher, author, and activist leader. October 19, 2019 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Centilia Cultural Center, 1660 South Roberto Maestas Festival Street, Seattle WA 98144 Registration is open at Brown Paper Tickets: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4304455
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The vision is an affinity group of white folks (aka white caucus) as defined by Dr. Ruth King across Buddhist denominations in Seattle involved in race equity. At the first meeting, these avenues of exploration and action presented themselves: 1) providing mutual support for our efforts in our individual Sanghas toward creating the conditions for authentic inclusion, seeing & undoing…
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by George Draffan With sadness I learned of the passing of Ryuzen Robby Pellet in August. Robby was an early supporter of Northwest Dharma Association and a contributor in big and small ways. He gave several Dharma talks at NWDA festivals and events. He was a big proponent of bringing Zen practice directly into daily life, having trained in an…
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Fall 2019 Compassion Cultivation Training Class Series Facilitated by Diane Hetrick and Shayla Collins Select Wednesdays: October 16, 30, November 6, 13, 20 and December 4, 11, 18 6:30-8:30pm at Prospect Congregational UCC Church, 1919 E. Prospect St, Capitol Hill location Compassion Cultivation Training is an eight-week course designed to develop the qualities of compassion, empathy and kindness for oneself…
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Northwest Dharma Presents: a blog building community & connections throughout the Pacific Northwest with themed quarterly explorations of mindfulness.
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Friday, October 4, 2019 6:30-8:00 pm (reception to follow) Segal Building Room 1300 Simon Fraser University 500 Granville Street Vancouver We’re historians working on the early history of Birken Forest Monastery, and will be giving a free public lecture at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver on October 4. We wanted to put it on your radar, as the subject matter…
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In addition to biology, the monks receive crash courses in physics, neuroscience and philosophy. The goal of the program is for the monks to begin teaching their fellow monks and nuns once they complete the six-year curriculum.
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Here’s the tentative schedule for the next few meetings. Check back here often for updates. Ask your group to host a meeting!
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The film is centered around events from the June 17, 2015 church shooting in Charleston, SC, when a white supremacist walked into Emanuel AME Church and massacred nine African-Americans churchgoers during a Bible Study meeting.
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Northwest Dharma Association is partnering with the 11th Global Buddhism Conference to present: After Mindfulness Urban Retreat at UC Berkeley – June 29-30, 2019 Mindfulness has become so popular, it’s now become a personal lifestyle brand. On June 29-30, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike from around the Bay Area and the World will join together in Berkeley to ask the question…
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This popular family friendly event is the perfect opportunity explore the many traditions of Buddhism in Portland while wandering the park including Pure Land, Zen, Vajrayana, Vipassana, and non-sectarian groups. Discover what each offers and their upcoming events at their booths, meet new people and see old friends. The Kids’ Canopy will be busy with stories, crafts, play, and fun.
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We have spent four years working on rehabilitating the elementary school campus here in our small community of Lorane. We are looking to find someone to shepherd this gem into the future. Although we imagine it to be a long shot, we are hoping to pique the interest of some group of Zen practitioners who might be looking for a monastery.
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A roundtable discussion exploring how Buddhist practices are supporting health and well-being. Health professionals are especially welcome: psychotherapists, social workers, recovery counselors, and others that use (or are interested in using) Buddhist-inspired mindfulness and compassion protocols in their work.
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Come join us at the intersection of Buddhist practice and recovery from addiction. The summit will be a global gathering of teachers, authors, healers, meeting facilitators and practitioners. All recovery paths and Buddhist lineages are welcome.
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ema Kilaya Sangha welcomes the public to an Open House for its new temple on south Whidbey Island, June 9 & 10. The sanctuary beautifully combines NW architecture with traditional Tibetan elements, and the sacred space already resonates.
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Portland Shambhala is exploring the idea of sharing space with another spiritual/faith organization, as a way of expanding its options in an expensive market as well as sharing resources.
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Compiled by George Draffan for “In Touch with the Earth: Seattle EcoSangha Seminar” on Earth Day, April 20, 2019 at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple.
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Learn how Seattle’s oldest Buddhist temple is intergating the Buddhist Pure Land tradition with the latest science and activism around climate change and other ecological challenges.
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The Buddhist Recovery Network promotes the use of Buddhist teachings and practices to help people recover from the suffering caused by addictive behaviors and is open to people of all backgrounds, and respectful of all recovery paths.
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Dharma teachings and practice hitting the real-life road of our self-created and socially-contructed suffering.
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Buddhist Recovery Summit Sunday February 17 Sponsored by the Buddhist Recovery Network and the East Bay Meditation Center (Oakland). This summit brings together speakers from 12 Steps, Heart of Recovery, Refuge Recovery, and Eight Step Recovery, including Shahara Godfrey, Walt Opie, Kevin Griffin, Father Tom, Enrique Collazo, Jean Tuller, Steven Tierney, Carol Cano, Laura Burges, George Gomez, Augusta Hopkins, and…
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Written by: Jamyang Dorjee Two Northwest women are playing a key role in the global empowerment of Buddhist women, by leading the organization that is supporting one of the world’s best-known female Tibetan Buddhist monastics, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. The two Northwesterners, Heather White and Caterina, met each other while journeying out of the Northwest region for teachings from Jetsunma Tenzin…
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From the Buddha’s teachings of interdependence, our life experiences and practice, we know that liberation is a collective process. My awakening is tied to your awakening regardless. At the same time, we know that liberation and awakening do not come from bypassing the profound impacts of systemic oppression, power, and privilege on our interpersonal and collective relationships.
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The emotional and spiritual impacts of racism that are critical to our personal and collective healing… A core of practices, reflections and actions that support our Dharma practices… Time for meditation, discussion, reflection and homework… Class size limited to 10, with preference given to those willing to commit to all or most of the sessions…
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Any leads are appreciated!
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Summer 2019 to Summer 2020. Environmentally Based Spiritual Care, Environmental Justice, Spiritual counseling, Practices, rituals and ceremonies for ministering ecological death, dying, grief and loss, Practices for (re)connection to nature, Cultural competency, Conflict resolution
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Upcoming classes taught by Diane Hetrick through the University of Washington Center for Child and Family Well Being
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From our friend Anik Ghose at Tzu Chi: We’re just 8 days away from our Seattle screening of the “On the Buddha’s Path: Compassion in Action” Short Film Tour and we can’t wait to get together with our peers in the Buddhist community and the general public. On Saturday, October 20, at the Tzu Chi Seattle Office, we’ll show films…
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UNPACKING WHITENESS an educational mindfulness-based series with Anna-Brown Griswold Six Wednesdays between October 24 to December 12. 500 E Pike St, Seattle. RADICAL DHARMA: A DEEPENING CIRCLE with Rev angel Kyodo Williams register at Evenbrite People of Color Caucuses: Friday December 14…
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An all-day all-sangha celebration on November 3, 2018
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A seminar with renowned Jodo Shinshu scholar and author Rev. Dr. Kenneth Tanaka: “The Heart of Shin Buddhism: A Path of Meaning and Happiness within an Anxious Life and World” at Seattle Betsuin, Sunday August 26, 1pm-4:30pm
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Saturday August 18th at noon at Portland Friends of the Dhamma, 1404 SE 25th Ave, Portland, OR 97214
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Seattle Walk September 15 at Volunteer Park 9:00 a.m.
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For the suffering world’s relief
Abandon greed, anger, arguing with each other
I wish everyone open their minds
Cherishing living beings, and the right Way…
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Lotus Sisters is happy to share these two events in July led by our teacher Arinna Weisman. Please join us!
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2018 is the second year the Seattle Buddhist Temple has participated in the Seattle Pride Parade. In 2017, nearly 100 Sangha members and friends marched in the parade.
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Festival Sundiata / Buddhism / People of Color / Individual and Shared Liberation / June 16-17 / Seattle Center
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More than 300 Thai monks from around the United States will be meeting June 21-24 at the Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery and Meditation Center in Woodinville, Washington. Volunteers are needed to drive monks and help in other ways. There’s a meeting for volunteers at Atamma at 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 10.
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The First Annual . . . Snoqualmie Dharma Film Festival Hi Tibetan Buddhist film festival to be held in downtown Duvall, (King County, WA) Sat, June 9 . . . all invited, free admission! Film is an effective medium in which to communicate ideas both engaging…
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Saturday June 2 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Colonel Summers Park in Portland (SE 17th and Taylor) There will be workshops, a Dharma talk at 1:30, activity/art booth for children, and Obon Festival dances in the afternoon. Many Buddhist communities in the greater Portland area will be there. Each Buddhist group has a booth and instructs the curious on their particular…
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Duvall Visitor Center, June 9th, 1:00 to 9:30pm
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An NWDA-sponsored daylong meeting for Buddhist teachers and leaders from all traditions, hosted by the Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Temple.
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An invitation to participate in a survey of about how caregivers embody compassion.
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We can live a good life and increase our happiness by training our hearts and minds to be less negative and more altruistic – a learnable skill, whether we have a mental illness or not.
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Diane Hetrick offers two Compassion Cultivation Trainings in Seattle. A Compassion Cultivation Training eight week class series starts Tuesday, March 13th, from 1:30-3:30pm in the Ballard/Fremont neighborhood. The early bird registration deadline is Feb 20th, and regular registration will continue to be open after that. For those who feel cost is a challenge, please contact me directly regarding a scholarship. Also, email me…
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Members of the group explore the mind, what’s beneficial, what’s wholesome, what’s harmful, Winwood said. Then, they learn to let the harmful states of mind pass. They focus on applying Buddhist practices in daily life—at work, at home, and in relationships. “We begin to really see that so much of our anxiety and our stress, our inferiority and our superiority, all arises in the mind based on misunderstandings,” Winwood said. “These Tibetan Buddhist teachings are about understanding the misunderstandings.”
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Letters will be delivered to all members of the legislature in mid-February. If you would like to add your name to the letter, please sign on.
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“Trained and well-educated nuns can teach the Dharma widely to help lay people everywhere transform their minds and enrich their lives,” says Chodron. “The point is to help develop stable monastic communities where the Dharma can flourish for a long, long time.”
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Wapato’s Buddhist Hall merges present and the past.
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Offered by White Awake (National Buddhist Inspired Anti-racist org) An online workshop series for white-identified people seeking greater emotional resilience in their work against racism and for a sustainable future. Four Sundays 2-4 pm — Jan 28, Feb 2, 11, and18 2 Ways to Participate (or mix it up) 1) Participate on your own by registering here For a richer experience 2) Participate with a group…
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From the Seattle Chapter of BPF: Dear Friends, We hope you’ll join us for a community-building celebration for the Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF) on Capitol Hill on January 20th at 4pm. BPF co-director Dawn Haney will be joining us for an afternoon of good friends, good food, and exploration of BPF’s core (and beautifully strengthening) Block, Build, Be framework for weaving the spiritual and political…
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Jonathan Prescott is the founder of Wise Caregiving, a non-profit dedicated to helping people become compassionate caregivers. Jonathan’s career as a hospice, cancer-care, and hospital Chaplain, along with his spiritual practice as an ordained student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, gives him a unique perspective on how to thrive within the helping professions. His trainings help people learn to use listening, balance, boundaries, and presence as therapeutic tools.
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January 20, 2018 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
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Both events at Nalanda West, 3902 Woodland Park Ave N, Seattle WA 98103 Clowns Without Borders Variety Show Friday, December 15th 7:30 pm Some of the Pacific Northwest’s best variety performers come together to bring you an evening of hilarity benefiting Clowns Without Borders-USA. My clown “guru,” Moshe Cohen is performing! Tickets $22 adults & $7 kids (12 and under) Lightfulness…
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A new center to be built at Fort Worden State Park.
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Attending Hayley Shannon’s Dance Healing workshop at the recent NWDA event ‘Celebrating the Sangha’, featuring live music by the soulful duo Aria Storm and Kai Ariel, was a fun, liberating yet contemplative evening. If you missed it or want to continue with Hayley, here is your chance for a reprise, complete with music by Aria and Kai! Dance Healing integrates modern/creative…
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In the new, beautiful Seattle Koyasan dojo, Moon Meditation will expand your mind as Taijo Sensei guides. Be transported to another dimension when he chants near the end of the session! Sessions are Monday 7 to 8 PM, Wednesday 1 to 2 PM and 7 to 8 PM and Saturday 9 to 10 AM. Make sure of the times at https://seattlekoyasan.com/calendar/ A…
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The Celebrating the Sangha event on November 11th was a great success, with Dharma talks, music, dance, drumming, flower arranging, art, clowning, potluck lunch and dinner, and a heartfelt joy in the communities we share.
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An international summit of Buddhist Recovery leaders in October 2017 in Lacey Washington, sponsored by the Buddhist Recovery Network and the Northwest Dharma Association.
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BY JUSTIN WHITAKER Patheos, NOVEMBER 12, 2017 This has been a year of numerous shifts in my life: officially finishing my Ph.D.; submitted just days after the swearing in of our current president, finding joy and fulfilment in offering courses on mindfulness to members of my community, moving to a new city – Seattle – followed by my second year…
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After 10 years of practising meditation in the downstairs area of resident teacher Kim Hansen’s house, North Shore Zendo has found an actual dedicated space to offer its programs. The Zendo group moved into its new 1,300-square-foot Meditation House at 238 Fell Ave. in North Vancouver
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I am looking for 2 roommates in Spokane Washington, a dharma-rich area with Venerable Thubten Chodron, Geshe Phelgye, Lama Lakshey, Lama Inge, Sravasti Abbey, and others. I want to create a loving, helpful, friendly environment for all on the Spokane south hill about Freya and 26th. 1. Bedroom with shared bathroom. Bathroom has shower/tub. All utilities included: water, electricity,…
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NWDA recently received a timely message from the Red Cedar Zen Community‘s Nomon Tim Burnett which we’d like to share: Dear Sangha, One of the most powerful ideas I’ve learned from the practice over the years has been really helpful to me lately: it’s the idea of holding opposites. The idea here is that our minds are strongly conditioned to…
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Nov 19th at Amazing Grace and Nov 20th at East-West Bookshop
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Steve Wilhelm wrote an article for Tricycle about the Buddhist Recovery Summit 2017 in Lacey Washington..
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Over a hundred people gathered at the Buddhist Recovery Summit in Lacey, Washington to share their knowledge and passion for the worldwide movements integrating Buddhism and Recovery. Dharma teachers, health care professionals, psychotherapists, counselors and people in recovery discussed the future of Buddhist Recovery.
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LIVING LIFE IN VIEW OF DEATH: Yogic & Buddhist practices for People of Color Saturday, November 4 from 1 – 5 pm at Rainier Beach Yoga. Sliding scale. To register, contact Genevieve Hicks. YOGA HEALING FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR as part of Artist of Color Expo & Symposium Friday, Nov 17 10:30 – 11:30 am Armory Lofts at Seattle Center For more info contact Genevieve Hicks. YOGA HEALLING CLASS FOR PEOPLE OF COLOR Friday, Nov 24 and Friday, Dec 22 from 6:30 – 9:30 pm Black Dot, 1437 S. Jackson, Seattle, 98144 De-stress during the holidays! For more info contact Genevieve Hicks. POC CAUCUS with Rev. angel Kyodo…
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Dr. Angela Rose Black will highlight the critical intersection between racial stamina, racial justice, and the utility of mindfulness and compassion based techniques in supporting both.
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Dukkha and Liberation September 27 to November 12 at The Columbia City Gallery Dukkha is a term that can refer to that which causes suffering, pain, sorrow, distress, grief or misery. As immigrants from India, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam we come to this country with things to unpack, to share and, sometimes, to put away. As children of immigrants, these…
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Join in the annual work retreat at Cloud Mountain on October 13-15, 2017
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Nangten Menlang teachings include movement practices, more subtle body practices, healing methods, and meditation practices. While the teachings are diverse, each of these wisdoms and methods enable students to achieve greater health and happiness by learning to tap into their own innate wisdom.
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Volunteer Opportunity: Seeking to expand meditation classes at King County’s jail diversion program in restorative / transformative justice by King County. Learn how to be an effective change agent for good in the community.
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Educational and engaging event for those interested in how Shin Buddhism offers a religious community which values inclusiveness and acceptance. This seminar is intended to inspire and deepen our understanding of the Buddha’s teachings as it relates to LGBTQ concerns.
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The Heart of the Bodhisattva Tradition: Essential Teachings and Practices of the Four Immeasurables and the Six Paramitas, with Kilung Rinpoche and Joel and Michele Levey
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Buddhist Global Relief’s Walks to Feed the Hungry will take place in Seattle (Sept 30) and Portland (October 21). Join us for fun and fellowship as we raise money to support Buddhist Global Relief projects around the world!
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H.E. Dagmo Kusho to be on NPR Radio H.E. Dagmo Kusho Sakya will be on the “Sound Effect” NPR radio show this Saturday, September 2, 2017 between 10:00-11:00 am on 88.5 FM. It will also be on KNKX.org, and will live there afterward for sharing / downloading / streaming (you can also visit http://www.npr.org/podcasts/484091961/sound-effect). Gabriel Spitzer is the Host and Senior Producer for the Sound Effect show. He interviewed Dagmola at Sakya Monastery on, Sunday, July 30.
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Sept. 9-11 at at the NWTCA Bodkhang in Portland OR
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Tibetan Dream Yoga is the original form of lucid dreaming documented for at least 1,000 years. Also known as Milam – the yoga of the dream state – it’s a suite of advanced tantric techniques.
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The goal of the Children’s Dharma School is to introduce and explore age appropriate Buddhist concepts and principles, using creative and varied modalities. The Teen’s Dharma School studies the teachings of the Buddha, and weaving them together with curriculum from the Project Happiness Foundation, teens will learn how to incorporate the principles of the Buddha’s teachings into their daily lives.
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Northwest Dharma Association is a unique regional association of Buddhist groups and practitioners. Our mission: to support Buddhist teachings, practice, and community in the Northwest. We invite you to participate in any of the Buddhist community events coming up soon. There are many posted in the NWDA Calendar. Do you aspire to to serve the community? NWDA has opportunities for volunteers: outreach, events, social media, and more. Contact Executive Director George Draffan. And in the Buddhist tradition, NWDA depends on the generosity of the community: its members, readers, and donors. If you are benefiting from our work, and want to see…
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“Since 1989, Northwest Dharma Association has fulfilled a unique role in the region’s Buddhist community, improving connections and communication among Buddhist groups…” Read the article here.
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NWDA board member Polly Trout recently wrote about her Patacara Community Services’ current focus on offering supportive services to unhoused neighbors: “Camp Second Chance is growing and thriving! We now have 55 residents, and our first tiny house is up! We have electricity and a potable water cistern. A grey-water catchment tank and sinks go in this week. We are being visited by the shower truck, the medical van, and the dental van. We’ve made huge progress, but more residents also means more work! We need your help to provide compassionate and supportive services to all our wonderful new residents….
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NWDA and the Buddhist Recovery Network are bringing leaders together in October. Learn more and support at the Buddhist Recovery Summit website.
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Readers of the Northwest Dharma News may remember Chua Duoc Su in south Seattle as the host temple for Buddha Day celebrations in 2016. Now there’s a community vegetable garden proposed for the empty lot next door (6918 42nd Ave South), with the cooperation of the temple and of neighbors. Contact Chris Morley at farm.frontenac@gmail.com.
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The Northwest Buddhist community includes traditional temples, modern practice and study groups, and creative applications of Buddhist perspectives by health professionals, teachers, and social activists. On November 11th, NWDA will invites you to share a day of connecting and celebrating at Nalanda West in Seattle. We’ll get to know each other in large and small group discussion, strengthening our individual and collective capacities to benefit beings. The day will be followed by an evening dinner and music. Join us! The Northwest Dharma Association supports Buddhist teachings, practice, and community in the Pacific Northwest. Please join us and support your community!…
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