Buddhist Insight Meditation and the Psychology of Spiritual Development

with Joe Pearl

Wednesdays from January 8 until February 26

from 1pm to 3pm

Lifetime Learning Center, 3998-3828 NE 123rd St, Seattle, WA 98125

What is the nature of spiritual development?

What is the nature of psychological development?

How are they related?

This class will examine those questions, with special emphasis on the Eastern psychology/philosophy of Buddhism and the Western psychologies/philosophies of psychoanalysis, existentialism, and constructivism.

To balance our theoretical discussion, as well as to provide a focus for it, you will learn Buddhist Insight (also known as Mindfulness, or Vipassana) Meditation, a style of meditation that is becoming increasingly influential in Western psychology and psychotherapy.

Lurking in the background of everything we talk about will be the question: “What is the ultimate purpose of life, and how can one best attain it?”

To register, go to www.lifetimelearningcenter.org