
Archive for the ‘Sangha News’ Category

Re-Centering: Where Will We Be In A Year?

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Supported by NW Team

Watt Dhammacakkaram Marks a Milestone Vote

Lively Sangha Enrichens Life on Tiny Island

Friendship Supports Small Bellevue Dharma Sangha

Prior Friends Speed Growth of Anacortes Sangha

Blessings That Brought Me to Three-Year Retreat

Eugene Insight: a Sangha in Wild Bloom

Return of a Dharma King: HH Dudjom Rinpoche, Sangye Pema Zhepa Rinpoche, Returns to Oregon

Powerful Vision Brings Island Zen Group Home

Kagyu Sukha Choling’s Ashland Sangha Prepares
For Lama Succession and a Healthy Future

Rural Dharma Friends Transcend Boundaries
To Create a Sangha Large Enough to Thrive