
Archive for the ‘Compassionate Action’ Category

Bill Hirsch Bridged Buddhism of East and West

Dipping a Toe into Buddhist Chaplaincy Training:
Being Present, Listening, and Serving

Taiwanese Buddhist Charity Group Tzu Chi
Manifests Compassion to Victims of Fires, COVID

Cascade Hermitage to Focus on Monastics’ Support

Four Leaders Speak on Climate Change and Dharma

Antiracist Teachings Guide a Portland Sangha

Walking Mindfully, Compassionately, and Bravely

Ten NW Buddhist Climate Action Leaders’ Paths

Compassion for Puppies in the Buddha’s Homeland

New Interfaith Meditation and Prayer Room
Planned for Sea-Tac International Airport

Courage, Compassion, and Climate Change
At Seattle’s All My Relations Sangha

Breathing with the Disagreeable