
Archive for the ‘Winter’ Category

Letting Go: Two NW Sanghas Embrace Impermanence

Returning to the Outdoors Roots of the Dharma:
Nature’s Heart Wilderness Retreats

Zen and Activism Underpin Life of Seattle Leader

Unexpectedly, 1,300 Miles of Separation Helped
Two Friends Create an Inadvertent Online Sangha

How a Rural Washingtonian Led Her Zoom Sangha
From Her Aging Mother’s Bedside in a NYC Suburb

Despite COVID-19, Cloud Mountain Safely
Reopens Its Doors for Residential Retreats

Oregon Becomes Hub of Lama’s Virus Adaptations

How the ‘Zoomdo’ Kept a Zen Group Enthusiastic
After Covid-19 Closed Their Brand-New Zendo

Kagyu Retreat Center to Bloom on Sacred Land

Antiracist Teachings Guide a Portland Sangha

Walking Mindfully, Compassionately, and Bravely

Canada’s Banyen Books & Sound: 50 years
Of Sanctuary, Dharma and Wisdom Traditions