
Archive for the ‘Compassionate Action’ Category

Pacific Northwest Peace Pagoda: Coming Into Form

Unique Compassionate Caregiving Program Passes on to New Leader as Founder Retires

Kilung Monastic College Restored as Learning Hub

Buddhist Hospice Shifting to Outpatient Care

Sravasti Abbey, Dharma Drum Monastery Monastics
Gathered for a Harmonious Expression of Dharma

Growing Group Aids Female Monastics Worldwide

Helping Animals in the Footsteps of the Buddha

Healing the Climate While Living the Dharma Path

Sravasti Abbey celebrates 20 years of building
Sangha, with the New Buddha Hall Now Rising

Kagyu Changchub Chuling to Offer Retreat Space
For Individuals and Groups Starting in 2024

New Book, and Hungry Ghosts United Recovery,
Offer Meditation Methods for Addiction Freedom

The Legacy of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh
In the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, Canada