Northwest Dharma Association 2017 Annual Report
2017 Accomplishments
- Inclusive Communities: Northwest Dharma Association participated in a dialogue with a World Affairs Council delegation of Christians, Jews and Muslims from around the world (May 2017).
- Contemplative Caregiving: NWDA co-sponsored the Buddhist Recovery Summit for practitioners, teachers and clinicians, to collaborate and share resources and perspectives (October 2017).
- Dharma Arts & Culture: NWDA’s “Celebrating the Sangha” event at Nalanda West was a marathon festival exploring Buddhist-inspired dialogue, chanting, song, dance, clowning and art (November 2017).
2017 Financials

Income pie: donations, sustaining members, events.

Expenses pie: This including paying for the Northwest Dharma Association website, Northwest Dharma News, programs, member services, administration and office.
We were not able to meet our 2017 budget. Income in 2017 was $20,588. Expenses would have totaled $24,890 if we had fully paid our contract staff, which we were not able to accomplish.
Coming in 2018
We started out 2018 with a Contemplative Caregiving workshop with Jonathan Prescott of Wise Caregiving, the third NWDA has sponsored with Prescott.
On May 5 there will be a Gathering of Buddhist Teachers and Leaders at the Seattle Koyasan Temple. Click here for more information and registration.
Our 2017 supporters
We thank the following groups and individuals who supported NWDA in 2017.
- DONORS (Individual and Group)
- SUSTAINING MEMBERS (Individual and Group)
Individual Pledge Sponsors |
Kim Abbey |
Andrea Bakke |
Serena Bell |
Genko Blackman |
L.R. Blikenstaff |
Blair Brooke-Weiss |
Daniel Crawford |
George Draffan |
Arlan Elms |
David and Kathy Forsythe |
Margaret Frest |
Carson Furry |
Gail Gokey |
Barbara Bouchet and Ron Greeley |
Paul Gulick |
Summer Halas |
Eric Holtz |
Chris Zenshin Jeffries |
Gail Kaminishi |
Tom Kelly |
Jeff Kerr |
Randall McLeod |
Matthew Mihlon |
Michael Morris |
James Murphy |
Daniel Peterson |
Judith Provasoli |
Edward Salazar |
Jeff & Mira Schoening |
Diane Ste. Marie |
Tim Tapping |
Edward Tenny |
Ashley Toney |
Dat Tra |
Sujatha K.B. Werake |
Individual Donors |
Katherine Alpaugh |
Peter Zachara & Yasha Bamberg |
Sue-Marie Casagrande |
Dan Doan |
Julia Forbes |
David & Kathy Forsythe |
Judith Gordon |
Bets Greer |
Joel Grow |
Kristen Hunt |
Kay Peters & Larry Keil |
Joyce Krohn |
Ikuko Kurata |
Patrick Long |
Philip Lorenzo |
Judith Marcus |
Mimi Matossian |
Patricia McClure |
Nan McMurry |
Karola Moore |
Phyllis Moses |
James Murphy |
Heidi Nevin |
David Nguyen |
James Peacey |
Joseph Pearl |
Robert Shutler |
Uri Silberstein |
Ellen Simpson |
Sunyata Foundation |
Leaha Swayze |
Tim Tapping |
Judith R. Wilgress |
David Wilhelm |
Group Member Pledge Sponsors |
1 Open Heart |
Beginners Mind Zen Meditation |
Buddhist Dharma |
Buddhist Global Relief |
Chenrezig Project |
Downtown Lunch Hour Meditation |
Eastside Insight Meditation |
Great Vow Zen Monastery |
Natural Awareness |
Pine Street Sangha |
Portland Friends of the Dhamma |
Puget Sound Zen Center |
Shambhala Meditation Center of Seattle |
Younge Drodul Ling – Seattle |
Group Member Donors |
Back To True Nature – IBC Zen Garden |
Bellevue Dharma Group |
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society |
Creston Zen Centre |
Dharma Friendship Foundation |
Dharma Ocean Seattle |
Dharmata of Seattle |
Dharmata Portland |
Drikung Seattle |
Insight Meditation of the Mid-Columbia |
Kagyu Changchub Chuling (KCC) |
Lotus Sisters |
Mindfulness Community of Puget Sound |
Mountain Way Zendo |
Nalanda Institute |
Nalandabodhi Vancouver |
Nangten Menlang |
No Sangha |
Northwest Zen Community – Eishoji Soto Zen |
Ocean Light Zen Center |
Portland Insight Meditation Community |
Portland Shambhala Meditation Center |
Rigpa Seattle |
River Sangha |
Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism |
Seattle Art Museum |
Seattle Choeizan Enkyoji Nichiren Buddhist Temple |
Seattle Insight Meditation Society |
Seattle Koan Discussion Group |
Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Temple |
Seattle Soto Zen |
Seattle Meditation Center |
Vancouver Buddhist Centre |
Walla Walla Dharma Sangha |
White Cloud Buddhist Society |
Zen Centre of Vancouver |