Letter from the Executive Director
Lots Going on at NWDA – New Leaders Needed

Written by: George Draffan

 We had a busy, challenging, and rewarding year in 2017 — check out our annual report here.

We were privileged to co-sponsor a few of the programs and events that Buddhist communities are offering across the region — teachings and practices that include inclusive communities, social service and social equity, arts and culture, and so much more.

NWDA is here to support them. In fact we ARE them — an association of individuals, groups, and institutions that support Buddhist and Buddhist-inspired teachings and practices. We depend on you.

NWDA exists to support Buddhist teachings and community.

It’s been my privilege to have been involved for so many years.

Like everything in the universe, NWDA is in transition.

The Association is what its members bring to it — and we need new resources, directions, people, and perspectives to serve an expanding community’s aspirations.

The Northwest Dharma Association is for anyone and everyone who is active or interested in Buddhist teachings and community. NWDA is hard at work developing exciting programs for 2018 — publishing, events, even a promising new project for bringing donations and registration into the digital age. We invite YOU — as readers, as supporters, as members, as co-sponsors, and affiliates.

Please, help us realize our 2018 goals of building our existing affiliate programs: Inclusive Communities; Contemplative Caregiving; and Dharma Arts & Culture, as well as helping us develop further affiliations, such as Social Justice & Action; Wellness; e.g., end of life and recovery issues; and others that you might have in mind.

The other goal is to transition our leadership to another generation. Those of us at the center of running NWDA are aging. We are, however, more committed than ever to the mission of NWDA of providing support for connecting the regional community of established sanghas and temples, fledging and far-flung smaller sanghas, and those practicing in alternative settings, such as Buddhist Recovery meetings, small sitting groups, or on their own.

So, please help us locate the future leadership of NWDA.

About the Author: George Draffan
George Draffan will be stepping down as executive director in 2018. He will be available to oversee the transition to his replacement or replacements.