NWDA 2018 Annual Report
Written by: Tim Tapping
Accomplishments in 2018
For years we at Northwest Dharma Association have reflected on whether and how the dharma will become truly rooted in the West. The roots are strong, and spreading! The joy and challenge now, more than ever, is supporting so many diverse teachings and manifestations of the dharma communities.
The Northwest Dharma Association co-sponsored a range of events in 2018, including:
- January: Contemplative care skill-building retreat with Jonathan Prescott, hosted by Choboji Zen Temple.
- April: Gathering of Buddhist teachers from different traditions, hosted by the Seattle Koyasan Temple.
- September: Day-long immersion with people of color and allies exploring individual and cultural identity, hosted by Nalanda West.
- November: Second multi-media Celebrating the Sangha event, again at Nalanda West.
A Growing Community
Early last spring we began a series of community roundtable discussions with NWDA group members, partners and advisors. You can read more about these meetings, and the strategic planning that’s coming out of what we heard, right here in Northwest Dharma News.
Financial Report
We rely on our members to support their unique regional association. We appreciate your generosity. Membership in Northwest Dharma Association, subscription to the Northwest Dharma News, and attending association events, are all donation-based.

$4,843 Donation from Group Members
$8,857 Donation from Individual Donors
$390 Events
$14,090 Total Income
Unfortunately the association operated at a deficit in 2018. We’ve been unable to make needed updates to our website, to offer reasonable compensation to staff, or even to cover the basic expenses of volunteers. Please donate here to help sustain your Northwest Dharma Association.

$9,003 Administration
$3,762 NW Dharma News
$2,470 Website and Telecom
$15,235 Total Expenses
Looking Ahead to 2020 and Beyond
We’re working on a strategic plan to build our capacity to serve new members.
We’re partnering with organizations and individuals to offer programs in dharma-inspired arts, in health and well-being, education, social justice and community-building.
Our goals include doubling our membership and hiring part-time staff.
How You Can Help:
- Check the NWDA Group Member Directory. If you have a connection to a group that isn’t in the directory, ask them to join NWDA!
- If your group is a NWDA member, consider co-sponsoring an event or a community meeting with NWDA. Contact us and we’ll work together to design, promote and facilitate your event.
- Read the Northwest Dharma News and our What’s Happening blog to learn more about the regional Buddhist community, and check out our online calendar of events.
- Donate time and resources to NWDA. No donation is too small or too big! It’s easy to do on our homepage.
Tim Tapping is Northwest Dharma Association board president, George Draffan is board secretary, and Timothy O’Brien is board treasurer