A Call for Volunteers: The Executive Director
Written by: George Draffan

George Draffan, who for years has volunteered for Northwest Dharma Association, is seeking others to help with the satisfying work.
Photo by: George Draffan
Over the next year, as Northwest Dharma Association continues to evolve, we are inviting YOU to step forward and become a participant, an advisor, a leader in the community.
We are looking for support from a variety of people, to reflect the diversity of the region’s Buddhist community in language, culture, ethnicity, age, gender, skills, needs, and interests. Northwest Dharma Association has always been a community, member-driven and volunteer-based organization.
To reflect and support the entire community, NWDA needs to be equally diverse. Our activities and organizational structure change as our community of diverse traditions evolves, but our mission has remained the same: “To support Buddhist teachings, practice, and community in the Northwest.”
Over the past few years we have been emphasizing community-wide events that demonstrate the profound ways dharma is being applied in the modern world: in the arts, in health care, in contemplative caregiving, in interfaith and multi-faith community-building, and more.
The dedication of long-time volunteers has sustained these efforts, and other needs, for many years. One generation of Buddhist practitioners in the West mentors the next generation.
As a volunteer, you might serve on the board. You might help us reach out to temples and groups across the region. You could provide news tips about events in the community. You could help organize and facilitate our community events.
The board needs to think big and look to the future. We need staff helping in the office, attending to details and responding to inquiries. We need people who love to get out in the community and cultivate relationships, who respect differences and find common ground.
We need people who love the dharma in all its manifestations, and aspire to serve the community. Are you any of these? We have a place for you!
If you are interested in exploring how you can help NWDA support Buddhist teachings, practice, and community, contact NWDA Executive Director George Draffan george@northwestdharma.org.
Our work is interesting, challenging, and enjoyable — and the benefits to oneself and others are profound.