Looking Back Over a Decade of Dharma Service
Looking Ahead to New Leadership and Vision

The Northwest Dharma News began in the 1980s as a packet of flyers announcing upcoming retreats at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center. Since then it has developed into a journal covering the evolution and growth of Buddhist teachings and community across the Pacific Northwest. The News has been created by a succession of editors, currently under the editorship of Steve Wilhelm, a retired journalist and active Dharma teacher. We thought it would be interesting and enlightening to look back over the past decade of Northwest Dharma News. Here are 15 of the most-read articles from the past decade, hinting at the…
Continue ReadingA Decade of Inspired Dharma Activity
Shared for you by Northwest Dharma News

With this issue we’re offering something unique: year-by-highlights of the past decade of Northwest Dharma News, chosen by you, the readers. This is a splendid opportunity to see how the Northwest Dharma Association community has evolved in the last decade, responding to peoples’ changing needs, to new technologies, and to the internal power of the dharma itself. Using Google algorithms we were able to pick out most-popular stories for each of the past 11 years. Here we’re offering at least one story from each of those years. We settled on 11 years because this corresponds to the time since we…
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