Improved NWDA Finances Open Door for Volunteers
Written by: George Draffan
Many people’s 2021 financial generosity has opened new possibilities for Northwest Dharma Association, and new ways for you to engage with this work.
At the end of 2021 NWDA had a reserve of $17,572 — almost twice what we had at the end of 2020. With your support, we could reach our long-term goal of hiring part-time help with administration and outreach, and deepening the work in other ways.

NWDA revenues for 2021 included some generous donations.
As you likely know NWDA helps form bonds among dharma groups across the region, connecting groups with each other so we can learn from each other, support each other, appreciate each other. While in many parts of North America Buddhist groups are isolated from one another, siloed from one another, in the Northwest and Western Canada these groups are connected by the much-stronger links NWDA has helped forge.
Like many non-profit organizations, Northwest Dharma Association saw a fall in donations in 2020 — and we also had some extra expenses for website upgrades and other maintenance. But in 2021 NWDA returned to better financial footing.
There are a couple of reasons this is important!

Reaching out to the community makes up the bulk of expenses.
The first reason is to sustainably serve expanding Buddhist communities across the region. Our volunteers need the support of a small staff to answer the phone, respond to email, do regular outreach to new groups, and plan events such as our regional Buddhist teachers’ gatherings. (For the most recent teachers’ gathering, see this blog post and video).
The second reason we need your support is that our current core of volunteers is a handful of dedicated folks in their golden years. At 68, George Draffan is the youngest of the group! Not only do we need a few more volunteers; we are well aware that as the Buddhist communities we serve are evolving, the association needs to evolve as well.
The mission of NWDA to support Buddhist teachings and community can only be fulfilled if a new generation of volunteers and board members step forward.
Please consider supporting NWDA financially. And please consider volunteering to help NWDA fulfill its mission. Your support will benefit everyone in the Buddhist community, and beyond.
You can learn more abut supporting NWDA at the website, and you can contact the office by email or by phone 206-941-4729.
George Draffan is a volunteer for the Northwest Dharma Association, having served as executive director and on the board of directors. His day job is landscaping in Seattle.