NWDA Community Meetings: Join us in Revisioning and Community-Building

For 25 years the Northwest Dharma Association has had the same great mission: supporting Buddhist teachings and community. NWDA is also in a time of transition: the Association needs new ideas and energy, new events and programs, new resources and leadership and strategic planning.
These community meetings are an invitation to participate in shaping the Association for an inclusive, sustainable future. We want to hear from the whole region: every Buddhist tradition, and also scientists and health care and social workers using mindfulness and compassion practices, and Buddhist-inspired activists and artists. You can participate in person, or often by video or telephone.
- If you’d like to host or participate in a meeting, contact Tim Tapping or George Draffan. If your temple members are not primarily English-speaking, let’s make sure we have a translator to help us share the dialogue.
Buddhist-inspired Art, Traditional and Contemporary
Saturday April 6
1:30 ~ 3:30 pm
Hosted by the Seattle Art Museum. We heard about the Seattle Asian Art Museum’s plans for reopening at the end of 2019, and their vision for cross-cultural exhibits and programs in partnership in Buddhist-inspired arts events.
Secular Mindfulness
Saturday April 20
1:00 ~ 3:00 pm
Theme: How mindfulness is being used in education, and how Buddhist groups can participate.
To be hosted by Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Ji Zen Temple, 1733 S Horton St, Seattle. Contact Tim Tapping.
Health and Well-Being
Saturday June 8
12:00 to 2:00pm
Hosted by Seattle Choeizan Enkyoji Nichiren Buddhist Temple, 501 South Jackson St #202
A roundtable discussion exploring how Buddhist practices are supporting health and well-being. Health professionals are especially welcome: psychotherapists, social workers, recovery counselors, and others using Buddhist-inspired mindfulness and compassion protocols. If you’d like to participate, please email George Draffan.
Planning the Association’s Future
June 25th
6:30 to 8:30pm
The Northwest Dharma Association has a vital role to play as Buddhist and Buddhist-inspired practices take root in modern society. NWDA seeks visionaries, leaders, and strategic planners who can carry us forward into a sustainable future.
… And future topics, times, and places to be arranged. If you’d like to participate in a meeting, or your group would like to host a meeting, contact Tim Tapping or George Draffan. If your group members are not primarily English-speaking, let’s make sure we have a translator to help us share the dialogue.
To become a group member or individual supporter, or to sustain our work of supporting Buddhist teachings, practice, and community, or to find out more about the Association, visit the Northwest Dharma website.