Buddhist Recovery Network Summit: Sept 5-8

Hello Buddhist Recovery Network Sangha!
We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the next Buddhist Recovery Network (BRN) Summit in Lacey, Washington September 5-8, 2019. The title of this year’s summit is:
Recovery: What’s Buddhism Got to Do With It?
Come join us at the intersection of Buddhist practice and recovery from addiction.
The summit will be a global gathering of teachers, authors, healers, meeting facilitators and practitioners. All recovery paths and Buddhist lineages are welcome. During the 4-day retreat, we will engage in presentations, group discussion and sharing, practice, networking, collaborating and much more. Some of the topics for this year’s summit include:
Addressing trauma and creating safe spaces in our sanghas and in the “rooms.”
Early Buddhist teachings on addiction and recovery. Using stories and suttas from the Pali Canon to address modern challenges.
Review and experience the many formats for Buddhist Recovery meetings: Refuge Recovery, Heart of Recovery, Eight Step Recovery, 12-step focused, other.
Buddhist Recovery past, present and future. Where do we go from here? How can the BRN help?
We are lining up some great speakers to present on all of the above topics, and we are looking forward to your contributions as well.
The Summit will be held at the Gwinwood Retreat Center in Lacey Washington (site of the 2017 summit). Sitting on 29-acres, Gwinwood features 18 acres of forested land, 4 acres of open meadows and 7 acres of undisturbed wetlands, all fronting beautiful Hicks Lake.
Pricing for the Summit will be as follows:
Full Conference including Meals and Dorm-Style Accommodations: $290 per person
Full Conference Including Meals – Accommodations off property: $180 per person
One Day Conference with Meals – Friday OR Saturday Or Sunday: $100 per person (per day)
Limited Scholarships Available on Request
All fees include vegetarian meals.
If you’re unable to attend but can afford to pay for someone else or contribute to the scholarship fund, please donate at https://www.
To Register, click this link https://www.rsvpbook.com/
We hope you can join us!
With Metta,
The BRN Board