Buddhist Global Relief 2017 Walks to Feed the Hungry

Buddhist Global Relief’s Walks to Feed the Hungry
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Join us in Seattle for a day of fun and fellowship as we raise money to help fund the many projects Buddhist Global Relief supports around the world! We will start from Volunteer Park and make a round trip through Capitol Hill, ending up back at the park for a potluck picnic lunch and dharma talk. 9:00 AM Check-in, 9:30 Chi Gong warmup, 10:00 Start walking! 11:00 AM Lunch & Dharma talk.
Click here to participate or support the Seattle Walk.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Join us at 1:00 PM for a 2 mile walk up the north side of Hawthorne to Cesar Chavez Blvd and back down the south side. We are walking to publicize the efforts of Buddhist Global Relief and raise money to support their efforts to help the hungry around the world!