Buddhist Centers Respond to Pandemic

In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many centers have suspended public gatherings and are streaming programs via Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and other video platforms.
The following are a few announcements made in recent days. Check with each center to confirm current status of online teachings.
- Note: If your Buddhist center has updates you’d like us to post, please email George Draffan.
- Member Groups: You can post your streaming events in the calendar! In the Event Description, be sure to make it clear your event is online only, and include your streaming link. When you get to the Venue field, type in “Streaming”. Leave the Event Location blank.
- Recommended reading: Finding upsides in digital sangha when we have no choice.
ASHLAND ZEN CENTER: is closed and has cancelled events until further notice. Youth and teen dharma camps and the Residential Summer Guest Student Program will go ahead in June and July as safety and health allows.
BLUE HERON ZEN COMMUNITY has discontinued onsite practice until further notice, but are video conferencing via Zoom at blueheronzen.org.
BODHIHEART is now streaming its programs and you can register at their website.
CAMAS MEDITATION is posting audio each week for everyone to listen to simultaneously at camasmeditation.com.
CHAGDUD GONPA AMRITA has cancelled all events for now.
CHENREZIG PROJECT has switched all its gatherings to online, Wednesdays (4:00-5:00pm) and Thursdays (6:00-8:00pm). Open to all regardless of level of experience (if any) with Himalayan Buddhism. Please contact Mark Winwood for connect info.
CHOBOJI ZEN TEMPLE is streaming daily zazen Monday through Friday at 5:30 am, Saturday morning at 7:00 am followed by informal sharing, Sunday evening at 6:30 pm followed by a Dharma talk and dialogue, and Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. Zoom links for the sessions are posted on the Choboji Facebook page and also in the calendar section of the Choboji website.
CLOUD MOUNTAIN RETREAT CENTER has issued a statement about upcoming retreats and is adjusting its cancellation policy.
DANCE MANDAL and NRITYA MANDALA MAHAVIHARA: Suspending all classes, services and activities until further notice.
INWARD BOUND MINDFULNESS EDUCATION is hoping to hold summer retreats, but are monitoring the situation and will be following guidelines issued by the CDC and restrictions set by state and local governments.
KCC (Kagyu Changchub Chuling) has suspended all group gatherings at the Urban Center on Skidmore and cancelled the rest of the Spring Personal Retreat season at SCOL. Some events are being streamed at KCC’s Vimeo channel.
MAITRIPA COLLEGE: The kitchen, student lobby, classroom, and library are closed. All are invited to join online as Yangsi Rinpoche livestreams Vajrasattva on Thursdays at 7pm and Medicine Buddha on Sundays at 11am. Join at those times via their YouTube channel.
MINDFULNESS COMMUNITY OF PUGET SOUND’s constituent groups are now practicing together online. Our practice schedule and information about how to participate can be found here.
NALANDA INSTITUTE (Olympia WA) has suspended effective immediately all face to face practices, programs, and activities until further notice. We will maintain an on-line presence and practice support for a limited number of our practices, programs, and activities using Zoom.
NALANDA WEST is cancelling all gatherings to curtail the spread of the coronavirus. Some practices will continue via Zoom.
PORTLAND FRIENDS OF THE DHAMMA have postponed in-person gatherings. Links for staying connected will be shared on their website and Facebook.
PUGET SOUND ZEN CENTER will hold all services online via Zoom.
RED CEDAR ZEN COMMUNITY: The Dharma Hall is now closed to group use. They’ll be moving to a live online format using Zoom video. Individual use and small meetings by members of Red Cedar, Bellingham Insight, and other renting user groups is okay. Follow proper precautions and also look for supplies provided to wipe down door knobs and other surfaces before you leave.
SAKYA MONASTERY has suspended all public events at the Monastery. Some programs will be streamed via the Sakya website or on their Facebook page.
SEATTLE BETSUIN BUDDHIST TEMPLE: The office is closed and services and programs have been suspended until further notice. Services will still be live streamed on the their YouTube channel. The gym is also closed to groups and activities until the end of April when the situation will be reassessed. We thank everyone for their understanding as we all work to weather this storm together. Please take care of yourselves and those around you and be sure to check in on others who may be in need of extra help or attention at this time. Other cancellations/postponements: Jason Wirth Lecture March 29th (cancelled). Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara Lecture, April 10-12 (cancelled). EcoSangha Seminar, April 25 (video seminar only). Rev. Dr. Nobuo Haneda, May 1-3 (cancelled).
SEATTLE INSIGHT MEDITATION SOCIETY has paused all events, including The Monday night and Sunday morning gatherings, Under 40 Group, Eastside Group and Capitol Hill Group…all are meeting remotely via Zoom software.
SEATTLE KOYASAN TEMPLE: Closed to group meetings, services, meditation sessions and classes. The temple will be live streaming the Goma Fire Service on March 29. Other activities are planned, but details are not yet finalized. The temple will remain closed until Seattle and King County Public Health gives the all-clear, but the temple invites any member of its community to contact the temple if they need help of any kind. They will try their best to continue the Buddhist mission of service and compassion.
SEATTLE SHAMBHALA: Online programs: Sunday Morning Open House 9:45 to 12:00 join here. Thursday Evening Open House 6:15 to 8:30 join here. Heart of Recovery every Wednesday evening. BIPOC Meditation Group first Sunday afternoons.
SHAMBHALA PORTLAND and SHAMBHALA VICTORIA are also altering their event schedules.
TACOMA BUDDHIST TEMPLE has suspended all events.
TSINTA MANI CHOLING is closed. Sunday programs are offered via Zoom.
WATER MOON DOJO: Closed to the public. The schedule of online sits is available on our website, where you’ll also find a link to the sutra book that we use to chant. Contact us for further information.
WEST SEATTLE SANGHA is meeting by Zoom on Tuesdays at 7pm.
WHITE RIVER BUDDHIST TEMPLE has cancelled programs but are streaming on their YouTube channel.
- Note: If your Buddhist center has updates you’d like us to post, please email George Draffan.