The Urgency of Northwest Dharma’s Continuance

Written by: George Draffan & Steve Wilhelm

Time passes quickly and opportunity is lost.

We invite you to embrace the harmony and mutual support among dharma groups in this region, compared to the discord in the larger world.

And here are some facts:

George Draffan is 70.

Tim Tapping is 74.

Steve Wilhelm is 75.

To be blunt, the three of us will die at some point perhaps not far off, and unless others step up, Northwest Dharma Association will also die. No drama, just the dharma facts.

What does the association do? We support Buddhist teachings and community in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia.

We maintain a website that includes an online directory of more than 200 Buddhist groups, and a calendar of their events.

We publish the Northwest Dharma News twice a year and the Sangha Update twice a month.

We sponsor occasional gatherings of teachers and leaders from around the region.

We field phone and email inquiries from people looking for a meditation group or teacher.

We would appreciate help with any of these activities! We’d especially love new folks with creative ideas, and the participation of more groups and teachers. 

In the midst of the political, climate and global difficulties of 2024, a bright note is the positivity of the dharma activities in this region, highlighted in this issue.

For starters, out of the 15 stories eight are about dharma activities led by women, showing just how much equality of gender is finally happening, in the dharma world of the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada.

In addition, seven of the stories are about unusual collaboration among dharma groups, showing how far we’ve moved beyond sectarian views into true embracing of the dharma together. Many of these collaborations were initiated by women. We can celebrate that what’s happening here, offers an alternative to the divisiveness of the world.

As a footnote, you may have noticed that George, Tim and Steve are male. We would submit it’s time to end the maleness of Northwest Dharma Association. There’s a baton waiting to be passed, and it would be wonderful, timely, perfect…for it to be passed to new female leaders.

Kudos to the Portland dharma communities that brought back the June 29 Portland Buddhist Festival. This is a great example of a non-sectarian event, which brings awareness and resources to the greater community.

Northwest Dharma Association needs that kind of leadership for the future, to prepare for a time when we three are no longer here. Please reach out if you wish, to George Draffan at

About the Author: George Draffan & Steve Wilhelm

George Draffan is executive director of the Northwest Dharma Association. He has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since the 1970s and currently teaches classes at the Dekeling Community. You can also find him at

Steve Wilhem is Northwest Dharma News editor. A long-time dharma practitioner, he is an assistant teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society, leads Eastside Insight Meditation, and serves on the boards  of Friends of Cloud Mountain Monastery and Tibetan Nuns Project.