A Day of Kindness: Practicing the Brahamaviharas

Both in person and online

START DATE: Saturday, June 8, 2024
END DATE: Saturday, June 8, 2024
TIME: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
REGION: Seattle, WA
ORGANIZATION: Seattle Insight Meditation Society
TEACHER: Lyndal Johnson, Sooz Appel, Jerry Harter, Lauren Wilson
CONTACT PERSON: Lyndal Johnson
EMAIL: lyndal@seattleinsight.org

We invite you to join local dharma leaders Sooz Appel, Jerry Harter, Lyndal Johnson, and Lauren Wilson at University Friends Meeting House (UFM) on Saturday, June 8, from 9 am to 4:30 pm PDT for a Day of Kindness: Practicing the Brahamaviharas.

As we explore the paramis this year at SIMS, more and more we recognize the need for kindness. It’s a sense of kindness toward others that encourages us to be generous and to behave ethically. And it’s kindness toward ourselves that allows us to continue to cultivate the good without self-condemnation or discouragement when we come up against our limitations. The Brahamaviharas provide a foundation for all the other beautiful qualities of mind. How do we cultivate energies that encourage our capacity for caring and compassion toward ourselves and others? In this daylong retreat we will consider the brahma viharas of loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity and explore practices for developing these qualities in our daily lives.

This event, to which all interested meditation practitioners are welcome, will meet in a hybrid setting, both In-Person and Online simultaneously. Zoom log in information and more detailed information about how the Day of Mindfulness will unfold will be emailed to registrants by the day before the event.

When you register, you will be required to choose between In-Person and Online.



4001 9th Avenue Northeast Seattle Washington 98105 United States.