Ring of Moss Zendo


An Urban Zen Buddhist Community in Portland, Oregon.
Ring of Moss has roots in both the Rinzai and Soto schools of Zen (Ch’an), as developed in the Diamond Sangha, with close ties to Ring of Bone Zendo on California’s rural San Juan Ridge. Meditation in community is central to our practice.
The Diamond Sangha tradition emphasizes koan practice.
Koans present vivid examples of the Great Matter of life and death and serve as windows into awakening to the Way. We study koans from many sources, focusing on the Gateless Barrier, Blue Cliff Record, Record of Ease, and the Transmission of the Lamp.
Year-around instruction at Ring of Moss is available from Andrew Mason, authorized to teach by Nelson Foster in 2018. Andrew began Zen training with Robert Aitken in 1988.

Practice Schedule

We welcome visitors, with or without prior experience in Zen practice.

The best way to start is to attend one of our weekly sittings, on Wednesdays (7 – 8:30 pm) and Sundays (7:30 – 8:30 am). Let us know if you are coming so that we can make introductions. If you’re new to Zen practice, we will arrange for a member to meet with you before things begin and give you at least a brief orientation to the zendo and forms of practice that we maintain.

Please also read our What to Expect and Zendo Terms documents before you come. We hold monthly orientations to practice on the First Wednesday of the month, 6:15 – 7:00 pm. Call ahead.

When you join us for formal practice, wear comfortable, modest, dark-colored clothing. Consult our contact person if you need clarification of any of these matters.

For a practical introduction to Zen as taught in our lineage, we recommend reading the book Taking the Path of Zen, by Diamond Sangha founder Robert Aitken in paperback or PDF. While it doesn’t describe exactly the way we do things here, it provides helpful general background information.




Andrew Mason






3525 Southeast Floss Street Milwaukie Oregon 97222 United States.