Path of Sincerity


We are a Theravada Buddhist community in the lineage of Burmese Vipassana teacher, Sayadaw U Tejaniya.  Our mission is to help people establish and/or deepen themselves in the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path, with a particular emphasis on bringing a natural, relaxed awareness into every moment of our lives.  Our guiding teacher is David Sudar, a former monk who has spent over three years on vipassana meditation retreats.

Practice Schedule

Drop-in Sangha — 2nd & 4th Mondays, from 7-8:30pm+ in SE Portland.

Monthly Deep Dives — alternating each month between a daylong meditation retreat & a community service project.  Usually on a Saturday.

Virtual Morning Sangha — about 25 to 30 of us meet 365 days a year, from 8-9am, for a 15 minute talk, 30 minute sit, and 15 minute discussion.

Deepening Study Courses — 6-to-8 week courses around the year on themes like Cultivating Metta, the Eightfold Path, Vipassana Meditation, the Precepts, Not-Self, the Three Characteristics, Mindfulness in Daily Life, and more!

A 5-month 1-on-1 Mentorship Program and a 10-month Small Group Buddhist Studies Program.



David Sudar




1235 Southeast Salmon Street Portland Oregon 97214 United States.