1Open Heart


Dear Dharma Friend,

Thank you for your interest. Since we are not able to meet in-person we have been doing Loving Kindness sessions via Zoom on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 8:30 AM to 9:15 AM. On Wednesday nights at 8PM – 8:45 PM. We do guided gentle movements and use loving kindness phrases to evoke gentle/healing energy inside and outside us by sometimes incorporate Qigong, Yoga, Thai Chi …last 15 minutes we do sit down guided loving kindness session. Also, we do a 1/2-day meditation retreat usually on last Wednesday of the but it’s held from 9 AM -12 NOON (although regular Wednesday sessions are held at night retreat is in the morning).

The event is sponsored by the Nakani Native Program and it has a video of one of the sessions.

Here is there website: Nakani Native Program – Home | Facebook

Hope to see you soon!

Here is the Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81773366595.

Practice Schedule

For more info you can reach Jeffmakah@gmail.com or call him at 206-799-5719




Host - Vishaka Smith






Shoreline Washington United States.