Ushnishavijaya Thousand Offering Ritual

In Person

START DATE: Sunday, May 4, 2025
END DATE: Sunday, May 4, 2025
TIME: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
REGION: Vancouver, BC
ORGANIZATION: Sakya Tsechen Thubten Ling
TEACHER: His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin

Ushnishavijaya is the deity of longevity, wisdom and protection. The name “Ushnishavijaya” literally means the victorious crown-like wisdom (ushnisha) that sits atop the head of the Buddha, symbolizing enlightenment. She holds a special place within the Sakya tradition as the inititation is customarily given at the start of the Lamdre cycle of teachings. There are great benefits in chanting the mantra of Ushinishavijaya, including purification of negativities, elimination of obstacles, promotion of longevity and health, and ultimately the cultivation of wisdom leading to Enlightenment.

As this Thousand Offering ritual is dedicated to the long life and well being of His Holiness Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, Her Eminence Jetsun Chimey Luding Rinpoche as well as all the Dharma teachers, we invite all to participate in this extremely meritorious occasion. You may join us in the accumulation of mantra during the ritual (free admission for all); sponsorship opportunities are also open to all who may or may not be able to physically join us for this meritorious occasion.

尊勝佛母是長壽、智慧和保護之神。 尊勝佛母名字的意思是佛陀頭頂的勝利皇冠般的智慧(ushnisha),象徵啟蒙。她在薩迦派中佔有特殊的地位,因為通常在「道果」系列教法開始時給予灌頂。詠唱 尊勝佛母咒語有很多好處,包括淨化惡業、消除障礙、促進長壽和健康,最終培養通往開悟的智慧。

由於此次 千供法會意在 祈請 怙主 41任薩迦企千法王, 傑尊瑪 祿頂企美仁波切,以及所有佛法上師的長久住世,建議所有希望參與的同參蒞臨會場參加修法,或是經由網路參贊,一同自利利他,圓滿福慧資糧。

It is recommended attendees adhere to a vegetarian diet while attending this weekend program.


Hall opens at 9:00AM, the ritual will start at 9:30AM with lunch break. Lunch not provided.

大廳於上午 9:00 開放,法會將於上午 9:30 開始,中間有午餐休息時間。不提供午餐。

As seating is limited, pre-registration is recommended. Once the online tickets are finished, we will not be able to provide additional seats at the door.


COST: Free

SOME CITIES CLOSE BY: Bellevue, Everett, Kent, Renton, Seattle, Spokane, Spokane Valley, Tacoma, Vancouver, Abbotsford, BC, Burnaby, BC, Coquitlam, BC, Kelowna, BC, Langley Township, BC, Richmond, BC, Saanich, BC, Surrey, BC