Ushnishavijaya Empowerment by His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin

In Person

START DATE: Saturday, May 3, 2025
END DATE: Saturday, May 3, 2025
TIME: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
REGION: Vancouver, BC
ORGANIZATION: Sakya Tsechen Thubten Ling
TEACHER: His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin

Ushnishavijaya is the deity of longevity, wisdom and protection. The name “Ushnishavijaya” literally means the victorious crown-like wisdom (ushnisha) that sits atop the head of the Buddha, symbolizing enlightenment. She holds a special place within the Sakya tradition as the inititation is customarily given at the start of the Lamdre cycle of teachings. There are great benefits in receiving the Ushnishavijaya initiation and chanting the mantra of Ushinishavijaya, including purification of negativities, elimination of obstacles, promotion of longevity and health, and ultimately the cultivation of wisdom leading to Enlightenment.

尊勝佛母是長壽、智慧和保護之神。 尊勝佛母名字的意思是佛陀頭頂的勝利皇冠般的智慧(ushnisha),象徵啟蒙。她在薩迦派中佔有特殊的地位,因為通常在「道果」系列教法開始時給予灌頂。接受 尊勝佛母灌頂和詠唱 尊勝佛母咒語有很多好處,包括淨化惡業、消除障礙、促進長壽和健康,最終培養通往開悟的智慧。

It is recommended attendees adhere to a vegetarian diet prior to attending the initiation.

第四十二任法王將會傳授尊勝佛母灌頂 。建議參加者在參加灌頂前吃素食。

Hall opens at 8:30AM, initiation starts at 9:00AM.

大廳於上午 8:30 開放,灌頂於上午 9:00 開始。

As seating is limited, pre-registration is required. Once the online tickets are sold out, we will not be able to provide additional seats at the door. If you are monastic attending the empowerment, please contact our centre at for free ticket. Those unable to afford the regular ticket price may also write to STTL.

由於場地座位有限,請一定要先事先訂位。當天可能無法提供門票服務。如果您是出家眾參與灌頂,請聯絡我們中心 以取得免費票。無法負擔正常票價的人也可以寫信給中心。

Due to space limitations, please do not bring any shrine offering to the venue, we do not accept additional shrine offering such as flowers, lamp, incense and food/fruit offerings on site. If you’d like to make elaborate donations, please contact our centre at two weeks ahead of the event.


COST: C$25

SOME CITIES CLOSE BY: Bellevue, Everett, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Seattle, Spokane, Spokane Valley, Tacoma, Vancouver, Abbotsford, BC, Burnaby, BC, Coquitlam, BC, Delta, BC, Kelowna, BC, Langley Township, BC, Richmond, BC, Saanich, BC, Surrey, BC


6163 University Boulevard Vancouver British Columbia V6T 1Z1 Canada.