TLC presents… The Final Meditation: Practice During the Dying Process with Chamtrul Rinpoche

Online Event Only

START DATE: Saturday, April 19, 2025
END DATE: Saturday, April 19, 2025
TIME: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
ORGANIZATION: TLC Transitional Life Care
TEACHER: Chamtrul Rinpoche
CONTACT NUMBER: 5107033988

The time of our death is unknown. The process of transition can be brief and sudden, or it can last for days, weeks, or months. Every moment of this time is of great value. Training the mind with meditation while we have the clarity and strength to do so deepens our faith and confidence, and can help ensure a peaceful passing. We may not be able to practice elaborate ritual as we are dying, but we can prepare by learning to focus our minds. Chamtrul Rinpoche will guide us in understanding how the simplicity of awareness during the practice of meditation will bring us to a state of peace now, and later as we enter and traverse the bardo of dying.

Within a week following the event the raw recording will be sent out to all who register, providing access to it for three months.​

Chamtrul Rinpoche Lobsang Gyatso is the reincarnation of Pema Nangsal Dorje, the holy rebirth of Kathok Chamtrul Kunzig Dorje of Mardo Tashi Choling Monastery in Tibet. He was conferred the title of “Khenpo” by his root guru Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche at Larung Gar Buddhist Institute and again received this title from Kathok Monastery. Known for his nonsectarian approach, he has received teachings, empowerments and transmissions from over 25 accomplished masters and scholars from all four major traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Since 1999 Rinpoche has been based in Dharamsala, India where he directs the Bodhicitta Dharma Center. Dedicating his life to helping people find inner peace, he spends much of the year traveling the world to spread the Dharma wherever requested and has been teaching for over 20 years to 1000s of monks and lay people at numerous Buddhist institutes in India and worldwide. This will be Chamtrul Rinpoche’s first streamed teaching.

Presented by TLC Transitional Life Care Register at


COST: $25 - $45 Sliding Scale - All ordained are free. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Register at