Three Month Intensive Program

In Person

START DATE: Wednesday, May 7, 2025
END DATE: Thursday, August 7, 2025

REGION: Fort Steele, British Columbia
ORGANIZATION: Clear Sky Meditation Center
TEACHER: Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
CONTACT PERSON: Michelle Heinz
CONTACT NUMBER: 2505056366

Awakening in Action

This is our most advanced educational program offering. That is because it is impossible to transcend and integrate the ego without seeing, acknowledging and shifting the hard truths about ourselves, and the most effective way to do this is in community with experienced Teachers and guides.

Drawing on ancient Buddhist practices, modern science and psychology, the Three Month Intensive immerses you in conscious awakening community and provides a container to help you rediscover your sense of meaning and purpose.

Not only will this experience help you feel more human and connected, you will complete the program feeling more optimistic about how we can create a positive future for our planet.

Are you up for the challenge?

Program at a Glance

The Three Month Intensive focuses on three key areas:

  • Body
    • Daily indoor and outdoor body-based activities to support mental health and emotional resilience
    • Practical solutions-based approaches for addressing climate anxiety
  • Speech
    • How to navigate isolation and meaningfully connect with others in our tech-focused world
    • Practices to develop a wholesome and balanced relationship with technology
  • Mind
    • Support and guidance in your awakening journey
    • How to find meaning in your work and daily life
    • Tools to transcend disillusionment or existential fears

Karma Yoga: Three Month Intensive

The three month intensive primarily focuses on the ancient practice of Karma Yoga. Each learning module is based on forefront research in Integral Spirituality, psychology, teamwork, environmental restoration, wholesome technology use and shadow integration.

What is Karma Yoga? Karma Yoga can be described as meditation-in-action or awakening-through-service. When woven with contemporary psychology and tools, it becomes a powerful and comprehensive path for integrated spiritual growth.

The Program Includes:

Living on 300 acres in the Canadian rocky mountains, you will learn how to:

  • Construct a meaningful personal vision (for this lifetime and beyond);
  • Cultivate a powerful and transformative meditation practice;
  • Feel at home in your body and connected with nature;
  • Build authentic connection with others;
  • Transform difficult patterns and blocks;
  • Co-create achievable solutions for healing our planet (spiritually, environmentally, socially & financially).

Questions about technology use during your stay? Participants are asked to bring a laptop computer for wholesome and practical use during the program.

For information regarding food and accommodation scroll to see our FAQ’s.

Please note: Karma Yoga is not a form of Hatha Yoga, and we do not teach any form of Hatha Yoga. We do, however, absolutely recognize its value.

Guided meditations

Founding Teachers Qapel Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei

yoga karma program

Associate Teachers Karen McAllister and Duncan Cryle


It is time to write a new story.

Traditional myth and folklore gave us a story tradition that is likely familiar to most of us: there is a central character, they face adversity, they overcome it and become stronger and wiser.

In the early 1900’s that story lost its prominence and the myth of consumerism took over. The consumerist myth tells us that our “wrongs” can be fixed with products that we buy; that consumption alone will make us feel whole and is the answer to our problems.

When you combine this messaging with the loss of our rites of passage, environmental degradation, questionable politicians, high cost of living, political correctness, artificial intelligence, it is no wonder that so many of us have lost our way and sense of purpose.

The three month intensive karma yoga program provides an antidote to this conditioning and suffering. This program is for those who want to feel human again and know that full awakening in this lifetime is still possible. 

karma yoga retreat reviews

I guarantee that you will undergo the most intense and challenging experiences ever, yet it’s definitely worth the effort. There is no better place than Clear Sky for awakening and personal transformation.

Richard N.


Meet Qapel and Sensei

Clear Sky would not exist without our Founding Teachers, Qapel and Sensei, who run programs on their virtual monastery, Planet Dharma (think of Clear Sky as their physical monastery and Planet Dharma as their global online monastery). When at Clear Sky, they engage with the community in an enlivening way modelling compassion, wisdom, and non-clinging awareness.

Our roots lie in the Karma Kagyu school of Vajrayana Buddhism. And we embrace a variety of approaches and spiritual practices including mindful breathing, Buddhist schools such as Theravadin and Zen, Western Mysteries teachings (Kabbalah, Tarot, Star Group) and modern approaches, namely Integral Spirituality. Attending this program and working with our founding teachers is a precious opportunity to work with two experienced masters of awakening.  

You aren’t expected to accept our founding teachers as your teachers. Yet, those who get the most from the Karma Yoga program are those who recognize the value that the teachers offer and and interact with them in an open, engaged and questioning manner.

Program Expectations

Since the teachers and teachings are an integral part of life at Clear Sky, anyone staying onsite is expected to attend all classes, meditations, and group activities. Classes and programs offered by the teachers are given on the practice of dāna.


Tuition & Exchange

This program will be one of the most challenging undertakings in your life. As far as we’re concerned, every aspect of the human psyche presents an opportunity for learning and transformation.

With skill and compassion, we will encourage you to confront uncomfortable aspects of yourself. This can include suppressed anger, unacknowledged hurt and habitual patterns surrounding money, sex or power. We work to provide a safe container to help you be supported in letting go of your biggest vulnerabilities.

So what’s the price of admission? Tuition is $2775 + tax for the three months.

The journey beckons. Are you ready to heed the call?

karma yoga calgary

COST: $2775 + tax for the three months includes tuition, accommodation and meals

SOME CITIES CLOSE BY: Kelowna, BC, Cranbrook, BC, Calgary, AB, Whitefish, MT