Dharma in the Stars: Integrating Saturn

Both in person and online

START DATE: Friday, March 21, 2025
END DATE: Sunday, March 23, 2025
TIME: 7:00 pm - 5:00 pm
REGION: Fort Steele, British Columbia
TEACHER: Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
CONTACT PERSON: Michelle Heinz
CONTACT NUMBER: 2505056366
EMAIL: michelle@clearskycenter.org

As spiritual explorers, we can lean on the idealized notion of being a “free spirit.” This aspiration can lead to chafing around boundaries and authority, two of the hallmarks of Saturn. It’s easy to project these qualities onto someone or something else, as our disowned shadow. Integrating these qualities in ourselves is key to true spiritual growth. Drawing on AstroDharma as a resource can help us get there.

Historically, Saturn was associated with the Grim Reaper or Father Time, and it’s still known as the Lord of Karma. Wherever we have Saturn in our natal astrological chart, we are likely to experience restrictions or obstacles. Integrating our Saturn involves learning to dismantle these constraints, and upcycling the resources thereby acquired as foundations upon which to build the rest of our lives. In this way, we begin to participate in the conscious shaping of our karma.

The planet Saturn is the doorway to working consciously with more transpersonal and universal energies. After all, it is the gatekeeper from the personal inner planets to the transpersonal or generational outer planets. In AstroDharma, the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—offer the transformative energy we need for breakthroughs, through their mighty forces of revolution, dissolution, and destruction, respectively. Accessing and working consciously with these powerful energies requires discipline and self-mastery: in other words, integration (vs. projection) of Saturn. An untrained, undisciplined warrior cannot navigate these stormy forces of change. Instead, karmic tempests repeatedly knock us sideways. Saturn’s authority and responsibility are the keys to breaking through the locks of our conditioned karma to our greater potential—and rising to the challenge of our total transformation.

In other words, we must integrate Saturn to become what we truly want to be.

In AstroDharma, we refer to our North Node as our “Dharma,” our Dharmic path. Learning to manifest our North Node is the most challenging path we can undertake because it involves swimming upstream against the heavy current of our South Node’s familiar and habitual Karma. However, we cannot work with our North Node, our true potential, unless we work with Saturn.

Mastery requires incredible discipline. An Olympic figure skater lands that quadruple axle on the ice because they’ve invested thousands of training hours towards achieving this potential.

Over the course, we will show you how to examine your natal chart, and look at participants’ charts together, focusing on Saturn, its ruler, Capricorn, and the associated 10th house. We also encourage you to bring burning questions arising from your life—particularly related to challenges around blocks and authority themes—so we can study how they show up in your chart astrolodharmically. Think about specific questions which will be of particular benefit to you, and which will help you towards being of benefit to others.

For those attending in person, Catherine Sensei will lead us in somatic AstroDharma mandalas to embody our Saturn together. These mandalas can be a compelling, visceral experience.

 What You’ll Learn: 

  • A review of AstroDharma and how it is unique.
  • How to examine and map your own astrological natal chart’s placements, particularly Saturn, its ruler, Capricorn, and the related 10th house.
  • What happens with Saturn, Capricorn, and the 10th house? Why are they considered difficult? How can we access their potential wisdom and mastery?
  • Tools for recognizing and working with reality as it is, mapping karma and potential.
  • How to work with obstacles, authority, and discipline, toward the growth of your greater potential.

About AstroDharma

“AstroDharma” is what Catherine Pawasarat Sensei calls her unique synthesis of Buddhist teachings on spiritual awakening (Dharma) and transpersonal Western astrology, based on the teachings of Carl Jung.

These two powerful tools help us better understand ourselves and the patterns we manifest in our lives. The more we know about ourselves, the more choices we have. Then, we can make better choices so that we may lead healthier, better-integrated lives. Furthermore, we can also more deeply understand the patterns of those around us, and support the potential in others, which is key to Buddhist practitioners’ bodhisattva vow.

Saturn relates to what we’d like to manifest in the world, the areas of life we’d like to master and teach to others. It’s a rare and significant achievement to integrate both external authority and our inner tyrant into self-discipline and skilled judgment. Working with our Saturn, over time and with conscious effort, we gradually learn to take responsibility for shaping our own karma. This is easier said than done.


COST: Online Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher, 2) online administration fee of $170 CAD. In-Person Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher, 2) accommodation and meal costs for your stay Clear Sky Meditation Centre. Private Cabin – CAD $471.00 Shared Room – CAD $371.00

SOME CITIES CLOSE BY: Cranbrook, Whitefish