As the Spirit Moves (In-Person and Online)

Both in person and online

START DATE: Friday, July 11, 2025
END DATE: Sunday, July 13, 2025
- 5:00 pm
REGION: Fort Steele, British Columbia
ORGANIZATION: Clear Sky Meditation Center
TEACHER: Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
CONTACT PERSON: Michelle Heinz
CONTACT NUMBER: 1-250-429-3929

“When the training is for the rest of your life — and all future lifetimes — that’s when it gets really fruitful.”

-Catherine Sensei


Show up for teachings from Sensei and find out what she’ll teach. It will be eclectic and sure to inspire. In the spirit of Guru Yoga – unorganised, undetermined, unregulated. No seatbelts allowed.

As the Spirit Moves

Join Catherine Sensei for an eclectic weekend of ‘old school’ style dharma teachings. In the past, people ‘showed up’ for dharma teachings, regardless of topic. The teachings given were inspired by the energy of the people there.

In the spirit of Guru Yoga this course will be relatively unorganised, undetermined and unregulated. So, think of this weekend like a challenge – what will happen if you have no idea what will be taught, where the teachings might flow, how the spirit will move?

In tantrayana, guru yoga is considered the pinnacle practice – and our Western egos tend to have a hard time with this. So, throw down the glove! Are you willing to take this leap of faith. Can your ego handle it?

Awakening Community and Tarot Retreat

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei began her spiritual practices in earnest in her early 20s, when she struggled to make sense of and overcome personal suffering and international environmental and social justice challenges. She became a student of metaphysics, Western spiritual traditions, and the ayahuasca sacraments in the 1990s.

For 26 years Catherine Sensei trained daily with Qapel Doug Duncan in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003.

With Qapel she co-founded Clear Sky Retreat Center and Planet Dharma and is a lineage holder for these teachings. She supports the spiritual underpinnings of social entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurship for spiritual practitioners. She worked as an advocacy photojournalist and studied traditional Japanese arts (including koto, shamisen, kyogen) in Kyoto for 20 years, culminating in her landmark work

Since the early 2000s Sensei has provided dharma training and taught the path of awakening to hundreds of students, together with Qapel and on her own. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Sensei also draws on generative living (a.k.a. sustainability) and the arts.

More About Sensei | About the Lineage

COST: In-Person Participants: 1) dāna to the Teachers and 2) accomodation and meal costs for your stay Clear Sky Meditation Centre. Online Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher and 2) online administration fee of $150.

SOME CITIES CLOSE BY: Cranbrook, Whitefish