As the Spirit Moves 2025

Both in person and online

START DATE: Friday, July 11, 2025
END DATE: Sunday, July 13, 2025

REGION: Fort Steele, British Columbia
TEACHER: Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
CONTACT NUMBER: 1-250-429-3929

As the Spirit Moves

Join Catherine Pawasarat Sensei for an eclectic weekend of ‘old school’ style dharma teachings. In the past, people ‘showed up’ for dharma teachings, regardless of topic. The teachings given were inspired by the energy of the people there.

In the spirit of Guru Yoga this course will be relatively unorganised, undetermined and unregulated. So, think of this weekend like a challenge – what will happen if you have no idea what will be taught, where the teachings might flow, how the spirit will move?

In tantrayana, guru yoga is considered the pinnacle practice – and our Western egos tend to have a hard time with this. So, throw down the glove! Are you willing to take this leap of faith.

Can your ego handle it? No seatbelts allowed.

Course Details

Time and Location

As the Spirit Moves will be led by Catherine Pawasarat Sensei at Clear Sky Meditation Center in Eastern BC.  This course is offered in-person with an online option for those not in Western Canada.

Schedule / Class Times:  Classes will be 60-90 mins in duration, with classes in the morning and evening and possibly the afternoon each day (Mountain Time) – the exact schedule to be confirmed. Please ensure you are available for the whole weekend to focus on the course material and attend classes live.

Online participants are expected to attend classes live.  We will arrange class times to be comfortable for most time zones. However we understand that some class times might occur after midnight in some regions, if this is the case for you, please let us know when you register.  Then we can provide a recording so you can catch up on that particular class.

What Does the Course Cost?

In-Person Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher plus 2) accomodation and meal costs for your stay Clear Sky Meditation Centre.

Online Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher  2) online administration fee of $150 CAD.

Keen Practitioner Pricing: Book now and get 10% off listed prices. Offer valid until June 6, 2025.


Meet the Teacher

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei is a contemporary Dharma teacher, attendant, consort, co-teacher via Planet Dharma and co-founder of Clear Sky Retreat Center. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living and universal spiritual tools including transpersonal astrology and Japanese arts.

She has trained daily with Acariya Doug Duncan since 1998 in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003.

More About Sensei | About the Lineage

COST: In-Person Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher plus 2) accomodation and meal costs for your stay Clear Sky Meditation Centre. Online Participants: 1) dāna to the Teacher 2) online administration fee of $150 CAD.

SOME CITIES CLOSE BY: Cranbrook, BC, Whitefish