June is an important month for the Northwest Dharma Association. It is the month when a new Board of Directors begins its term, a time of beginnings and a time of ending. The arrival of the new Board marks the departure of those who have completed their terms. So, we are saying farewell to dear friends, at least in their capacity as Board Members.
Two devoted and inspiring friends are departing the Board, Steve Wilhelm and Lynne Conrad Marvet. Steve has served the Association for many years. He helped re-found the Association in its current form after its departure from Cloud Mountain and has worked tirelessly for the benefit of the Dharma in the Northwest. He served for 2 years as President of the Board and this last year as Past President. It is a mark of his success that he is able to move on with the Association in such good shape.
Lynne Conrad Marvet has had a deep impact on the Association during her term. With her expertise in non-profit organizations as well as her specific insights as a result of her in-depth involvement at Nalandabodhi, she brought a very valuable professional perspective to the work.
The Association is much stronger due to the contributions of these remarkable people and we are grateful and look forward to our continued Dharma journeys together.
We welcome our new Board Members. Our two new elected members are Caterina De Re of Chagdud Gonpa Amrita and Dharmachari Avichala of the Seattle Buddhist Center. Our new board-appointed member is Nick Vail of Nalandabodhi. He joins Gene Polhamus of Sakya Monastery, who was appointed last year to an interim Board position and has been appointed to another three-year term.
The first meeting of the new board will take place in Olympia on June 8. We look forward to another productive year.